About me

Name: Sabine Craenen
Living in Ghent, Belgium

Picked up drawing (again) a few years ago. Drawing is a perfect way to catch those little moments that come across your path every day. You will find those sketches and other drawings on this blog.

I also sell personalized children's books, posters and cards, to be found on my website www.dekleinehelden.be. The books and the site are in Dutch but posters and cards are universal (or can easily be translated).

I tweet about things I like (drawing and other) under the name @freckldfairy.

Always open for propositions and suggestions! Contact me at whatsabinesawtoday@gmail.com. Check the copyright page.


  1. Your illustrations capture my heart! I live in West-Coast USA and have never met another person with my name (Sabine). Cool!

  2. Hi Sabine, for some reason I only see your reaction now; thanks! There are quite a few Sabines over here, you should consider coming over :).
